Friday, June 14, 2013

Ephesians - Week 1 - Introduction

Hi!  I'm so glad you have stopped by to check out and hopefully join our online study of Ephesians!!   Over the next 6 weeks, beginning JUNE 19th, we will dig into this book of the Bible, and I hope you will join us.

Here is how it will work.  We will study a chapter of Ephesians each week.  Every Wednesday I will post an overview, my thoughts, and some questions on the chapter we studied for the week, and you will respond in the comments with what the Lord taught you over the week or answers to the questions.  I will also provide an outline of the next chapter if you need something to help guide you through the chapter.  I would encourage you to get a Bible in the translation that you prefer (NIV, NLT, ESV are some of my favorites), a journal for writing down thoughts as you read or for revelations that the Holy Spirit may speak to you.  There is also a great online resource at that allows you to read and dig deeper into God's Word.

I am praying for you as you study - that He will reveal new Truth to you and that you will grow in relationship with Him over these 6 weeks.

I'd love to know who all is joining me for this journey, so if you will check-in in the comments that would be great!  Just give a name and state or city.  (ex. Kristin - Tyler, TX)   We'll start with introductions today.  Then the rest of this week, please begin reading through Chapter 1.  Next Wednesday, June 26th, we will begin our discussion of Chapter 1 in the comments.  I'll have some questions you can answer next week and you can just share thoughts that the Lord gave you throughout the week.

This week we will start with Ephesians 1.  Can I suggest you read through the whole chapter first each week to familiarize yourself with the chapter?  Then go through slowly and do a few verses at a time and allow Him to speak to you.  Grab a journal and get comfy and spend some precious time with your Lord!

Here's a reading outline for you to go by if you wish.

Day 1 - Read all of Ephesians 1.  Then narrow in on verses 1-2.  Really get a feel for where the church of Ephesus was, what was going on at the time Paul wrote to them.  Who is  Paul?  Dig into some of the words that jump out at you (grace, peace, etc).  Get some background for what you are about to read.
Day 2 - Read Ephesians 1 all the way through again.  Focus in on verses 3-10.  Write thoughts, feelings, questions you may have.
Day 3 - Read the whole chapter and then dig deep into verses 11-14.
Day 4 - Read the whole chapter and then narrow in on verses 15-17
Day 5 - Read the whole chapter and focus on verses 18-23.  Also, use this day to wrap up some thoughts/revelations from the whole chapter for the week.
Can't wait to hear what you all learned this week!  "See" you next Wednesday!



  1. Christy, from Lindale Tx

  2. Bethany, Tyler, Tx

  3. Debbie - Tyler TX

  4. Courtney - Tyler Sorry i'm a day late.

  5. Better late than never :). Courtney, Tyler

  6. Hi, I'm Rosella Webb, Tyler TX, I do not fit your age limit, but I certainly would like to have the opportunity to study the Bible on line with you. I am seventy five and soon, and very soon I will be one year older. I love on line study. I just finished an eighteen week study with Friends of Israel that was a high light of my life. I chose not to enroll for their next series because I have several trips coming up that would conflict with the in depth study required for FOI studies. I will sign up again in the Spring. If it is OK I will study along with you as you unwrap the treasures in Ephesians.(No major trips until October) God bless, Rosie

    1. Yes, Rosella! We'd love to have you!!

    2. Thanks, the soon and very soon is today. I am now blessed I am. Yesterday I drove to the home of a high school buddy jut north of Houston. There were eight there with a total of well over 500 years of age. Some of us have been friends for sixty years. She what treasures I have. All of us were in the same Youth Group of our little Baptist Church in the fifties. I am looking forward to the postings of the class.
