Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ephesians - Week 4 - Chapter 3

Good evening, ladies!!  Please forgive me for being a little late with my post this week. 

This week we looked into Chapter 3 of Ephesians.  I'm looking forward to hearing if any of you have comments about this chapter.  I'm continuing to pray that the Lord will speak to you through this study.

Chapter 3 starts off in the first 13 verses with Paul continuing to talk about "the mystery" that he also mentioned in Chapter 1 that I asked y'all about.  Here, he lays out exactly what the mystery is simply that through the gospel, Gentiles and Jews are BOTH heirs and members of one body - the church.  This may not seem like a big deal to us - as most of you probably doing this are Gentiles (not Jewish/Israelites), so you've always known that the gospel was for you.  BUT, this was a HUGE deal for the Jewish people in that day - God's chosen people.  For that "title" to now be available to Gentiles was a whole new idea.  And Paul was to be the pioneer, so to speak, of serving and shepherding Gentiles into the church.  I would encourage you to read this article by John MacArthur on the topic.

I absolutely love verses 14-19!  I love this prayer!  The main things I get from this prayer to pray for myself and loved ones, friends, my church community...
  • strengthen with power through His Spirit
  • be rooted & established in love
  • grasp the love of Christ
  • know the love that surpasses knowledge
  • be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God (yes, please, Lord!)
I would challenge you to begin praying this over yourself and your friend, family, church, etc. 

Verses 20-21 are verses you have probably heard before.  He is able to do "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine."  So, if I pray for a red Corvette, I can eagerly anticipate a red Lamborghini because I mean, more than I ask or imagine right?!?  Not totally sure that's what he has in mind here. :-)  We've got to keep things in context. This is attached to the prayer from the previous few verses where Paul is praying for the Ephesians the things in the list above.  I think He is concluding that prayer with - not only will He & can He do these things - but He can do far more than we could ever imagine - more than I (Paul) am even asking for.  He will fill us to the measure of all fullness of God more than we could ever ask or imagine.  This to me is just a conclusion of the prayer - a conclusion of praise and confidence in the God he is praying too.  An example to us, as well, as we pray.  Our praise should be included with the request.  Are you praying with confidence in a God that is able to do more than you could ever ask?  Are you laying out your requests before the Lord in great anticipation - in FAITH - of what He will do?  And are we praying it so that He will be glorified? 

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below!  Would love to hear them!

The last half of Ephesians, Paul begins to get into Christian living - very practical for us!  This next week we will do Ephesians 4.  I LOVE Ephesians 4!  I've laid out a little bit of an outline for you, if you want it. But I'm praying that the Holy Spirit will move in your life and heart as you read this week.

Day 1 - Read all of Ephesians 4.  Then narrow in on verses 1-9. 
  • What is a common point of these verses?  
  • What is something you can apply right now in your life?  
  • What do you think Paul means by "live a life worthy of the calling you have received?"
  • Which word in verse 2 is a word that you need to pray and ask the Spirit to help you with this week? (patience, gentleness, humility, etc)
  • Write down your thoughts about verses 7-9.  What do you think it is talking about?  What picture of Christ is it giving you?
Day 2 - Read all of the chapter.  If anything jumps out, write down your thoughts. Narrow in on verses 10-16.
  • List out the gifts named here.  Do a little research and find other spiritual gifts.
  • Do you know your spiritual gift?  If not, take this test here and see what information you get. Write down what you find out about your gift(s).
  • Why do we use our gifts?  What is their purpose?
  • What are verses 14-16 a picture of?
Day 3 - Read all of Chapter 4.  Focus on verses 17-24
  • Do you see any similarities between the world/America and verses 17-19?  Get detailed in your comparison.
  • What does it mean to "put off your old self" and "put on the new self" as mentioned in verse 22-24?
  • What general idea do you get from these verses?
Day 4 - Read all of Chapter 4.  Narrow in on verses 25-28
  • What are the things we are told to do in these verses?
  • Verse 26 mentions not staying angry and not giving the devil a foothold.  How are we to resolve conflict?  (see Matthew 18)
  • What does it mean to "give the devil a foothold?"
  • Are you struggling with anger or bitterness right now?  If so, what is your plan for dealing with it?
Day 5 - Read all of Chapter 4.  Focus on verses 29-32
  • Flesh out verse 29.  Write down your thoughts, feelings, etc when you read it.  Is unwholesome talk a problem for you (this includes gossip)?  If so, confess & repent of it, and ask the Holy Spirit for help. 
  • Do your words build others up (husband, kids, friends, parents, random person at Wal-mart, etc)?
  • What are we called to get rid of?
  • What are we called to be?
  • Why should we forgive others?
Conclude and wrap up all 5 days in your journal with your final thoughts.  Can't wait to hear them!  See you next week!



  1. Testing, as my posts don't seem to be posting!

  2. I don't know about you ladies, but when I begin to really study a part of the Bible in depth the topic seem to start appearing EVERYWHERE in my day! If you do not subscribe to Jim Denison's cultural commentary or Rick Warren's Daily Hope, I would highly recommend both! This is an exert from Rick Warren's today that spoke to my heart: Can you imagine anyone paying a higher price for anything? The Bible says, “God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life .... And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. God chose him as your ransom long before the world began” (1 Peter 1:18-20a NLT). You matter. Jesus said he’d rather die than live without you. That’s why the Bible says this in 1 Peter 2:17: “Respect everyone, and love your Christian brothers and sisters.” God loves everyone you meet. You’ll never meet anybody that Jesus Christ didn’t die for — whether they’re believers or non-believers; young or old; Republicans, Democrats, or independents.

    THANK YOU Jesus :)
