Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ephesians - Week 7 - Chapter 6

Well, ladies, this is our last week together!  I'm so thankful you joined me in this journey!  I absolutely loved Ephesians and every week the Lord had something to speak to my heart.  We will be doing more studies in the future - some will be books of the Bible and others will just be going through a book or bible study together.  I hope you will return and join us again.

So we end with Ephesians 6.  Which at the beginning is still kind of going through the household and living with others.  So it starts with children and parents.  This is particularly fresh on my mind as the mother of 3 young boys.  I immediately read it with that vantage point.  But I also take a step back and remember that I am a daughter still to two loving parents and I am also a daughter-in-law to my husband's parents.  So it made me think - am I honoring them?  How can I honor them?  And I find it very interesting that honoring our father and mother is the "first commandment with a promise."  And what is the promise - "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." Which is all referenced from the 10 commandments in the Old Testament.  I don't think anyone would turn down a promise like that!  So, how can we honor our mothers and fathers as adult children?  I think that is something that we prayerfully petition the Lord about and ask for wisdom about.  Not everyone is blessed with wonderful parents that are easy to honor, so I think it is something they must lean upon the Holy Spirit for power and wisdom to do.

Obviously, we don't deal with slaves and masters like they did in that time period like is referenced in verses 5-9.  But I think you can take the wisdom there and apply it to any work situation.  Serving others, in your job, with right motives.  Serving others sacrificially - not in a tit for tat mentality.  I think as a mom - I love verses 7-8.  Sometimes the mundane of the every day is hard!  Sometimes the mundane of playing a game for the 100th time is hard.  But I will serve my family "wholeheartedly, as if I were serving the Lord!"  Then it becomes bigger than just me! 

I love the verses on the armor of God!  I love to envision myself putting on this armor.  Verse 10 sums it up for me - be strong IN the LORD!  Not in Kristin!  Not in Kristin's ability!  But in the Lord!  Allow His power to work in and through me. 

The devil's schemes are relentless and He is always prowling around ready to pounce and He will drive into your weakness!  We MUST put on the armor of God so that we can stand against his attacks which WILL come.

Verse 12 is just a reminder that there is a spiritual battle going on all around us.  We must be aware of this all the time. 

So our armor that we will put on each day - every morning, I challenge you to mentally put on the armor before you get out of your bed -

Belt of Truth
Breastplate of Righteousness
Gospel of Peace
Shield of Faith
Helmet of Salvation
Sword of the Spirit

I LOVE the explanation given here of the armor of God and would encourage you to go read it!!  It gives a little bit more in depth look at each piece. 

After we have the armor on - our battle plan is to pray!   Arm ourselves and pray as it talks about in verse 18.

I love Paul's plea for prayer in verses 19-20.  What an example for us.  Lord, may that be the prayer of my heart as well!  What a prayer for me as a mom - that when I open my mouth to speak to my children - especially in rebuke - that the gospel will be on my tongue and that I will make it known to them - fearlessly!

Ladies, I have loved our time together. I hope you will join me again sometime!!

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